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  • 1 month later...
R.I.P. Hi-Fi Arena. :(
In conditiile in care acest show nu a produs rezultate comerciale nici pentru dealeri si nici pentru organizatori, iar reprezentarea segmentului audio (ma refer la raportul dintre dealerii participanti si cei existenti in piata) era de ~60%, vorbim de cronica unei morti anuntate!
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

nu chiar , dar tot nașpa ... ( Daevid Allen )

"Hello you Kookaburras,

OK so I have had my PET-CAT scans (which is essentially a full body viewing gallery for cancer specialists) and so it is now confirmed that the invading cancer has returned to successfully establish dominant residency in my neck.

The original surgery took much of it out, but the cancer has now recreated itself with renewed vigour while also spreading to my lung.

The cancer is now so well established that I have now been given approximately six months to live.

So My view has Changed:

I am not interested in endless surgical operations and in fact it has come as a relief to know that the end is in sight.

I am a great believer in “The Will of the Way Things Are” and I also believe that the time has come to stop resisting and denying and to surrender to the way it is.

I can only hope that during this journey, I have somehow contributed to the happiness in the lives of a few other fellow humans.

I believe I have done my best to heal, dear friends and that you have been enormously helpful in supporting me through this time.

So Thank you SO much for being there with me, for the Ocean of Love and Now, importantly, Thank you for starting the process of letting go of me, of mourning then transforming and celebrating this death coming up – this is how you can contribute, this would be a great gift from those emotionally and spiritually involved with me.

I love you and will be with you always – Daevid xxx –"


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  • 3 weeks later...

Actorul George Motoi a murit la varsta de 79 de ani. Brailean din Dudesti ! Un actor si un om de-o mare discretie. Excelent in Voda Lapusneanu !


Asa este mare discretie si bun simt dar mai ales dotat cu un mare mare talent, el si multi alti foarte talentati actori / actrite din Romania daca ar fi trait in alte timpuri sau intr-o tara cu o mai mare deschidere spre democratie ar fi fost cunoscuti mult mai bine de intreg Universul artistic.

Daca ar fi trait in lumea libera ar fi fost la acelasi nivel cu oricare mare vedeta din anii 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. de la Hollywood . Cele din anii nostrii, nu prea sunt vedete mai degraba ''vedete'' ... :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

"A pair of internationally known opera singers, after performing in a Spanish production of Wagner’s “Siegfried,” died Tuesday in a horrific German airplane crash.

Baritone Oleg Bryjak and contralto Maria Radner were among the 150 people aboard Germanwings Flight 9525 when it crashed into the French Alps while headed from Barcelona to Dusseldorf. The 34-year-old Radner died along with her husband and their baby.

Bryjak, 54, born in Kazakhstan, was reprising his role as Alberich in the German composer’s opera at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona. He became an ensemble member of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Dusseldorf for the 1996-97 season and was heading back to the German city when he died. [...]"


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  • 2 weeks later...

... R.I.P.


Azi dimineata, Sambata, 04.04.2015, ''s-a dus'' Omul de Radio - Paul Grigoriu, putin dupa ce implinise 70 de ani ...

... Din pacate nici ''Singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell, responsible for hits such as "Both Sides Now" and "Big Yellow Taxi," is widely considered 1960s and '70s folk royalty...'' nu se simte prea bine. :( A fost internata la '' Intensive Care'' de urgenta, fiind in coma de gradul I, indusa de medici - pt. tratament si recuperare...

... Sa auzim ca tratamentul a reusit, si-a revenit - si o sa mai cante mult si bine :)

Joni Mitchell was born on November 7, 1943, in Fort Macleod, Canada. In 1968, she recorded her first, self-titled album. Other highly successful albums followed. Mitchell won her first Grammy Award (best folk performance) for her 1969 album, Clouds. She has won seven more Grammy Awards since then, in several different categories, including traditional pop, pop music and lifetime achievement.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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