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Sambata, 24 octombrie - Jazz norvegian/concert live/premii


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Audioconcept, si Jazz:ish organizeaza super-eveniment sambata, 24 octombrie 2015.

Introducere in jazz-ul contemporan norvegian, pe boxe americane

Evenimentul va fi unul foarte complex si va cuprinde cinci (5) momente distincte si foarte speciale, astfel:

11:30 - 12:00 Scurta introducere in fenomenul jazzistic norvegian contemporan, cu exemple si povesti

12:00 - 14:00 Auditia unui playlist cu cei mai importanti reprezentanti ai acestei miscari muzicale

14:00 - 14:30 Concert live (saxofon solo) cu unul dintre cei mai valorosi tineri muzicieni de jazz din Romania, Catalin Milea

14:30 - 16:00 Auditie bonus, in camera mare

16:00 Tragerea la sorti a celor doua premii - doua invitatii la concertul trompetistului norvegian Nils Petter Molvaer (29 octombrie la Sala Radio)

Acest evenimentul este primul dintr-o serie total noua initiata de echipa Audioconcept, serie ce va prezenta nu doar sisteme audio, ci va aborda si genuri/curente muzicale precise, cu playlist-uri si eseuri vorbite, toate pe aceeasi tema data... Ca de obicei, deschidem inca un drum nebatatorit si vom incerca s-o facem la modul cel mai profesionist posibil, fiindca nu avem nicio alta motivatie in afara de pasiune.


1. Primul moment va fi unul de discutii libere, cu un eseu vorbit despre jazzul contemporan norvegian, un curent cu adevarat important in actualul peisaj muzical european (si nu numai). Vom vorbi despre Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal, Bugge Wesseltoft, Arild Andersen sau Nils Petter Molvaer, dar si despre casa de discuri ECM, cea care a inregimentat cei mai multi dintre muzicienii despre care vom povesti.

2. Auditia playlistului cu artistii amintiti se va face in camera din spate, pe un sistem format din deja cunoscuta pereche-minune NAC-N 272 / NAP 250 DR, plus boxele americane Martin Logan Motion 60 XT. O serie cu o gramada de inventii dedicate, printre care si tweeter-ul complet atipic integrat in modelul 60 XT, pe care-l veti putea admira la treaba.

„Nothing seemed artificial. Nothing seemed colored. Nothing was distracting. Most of all, the tweeter didn't sound like a certain type of tweeter; it didn't have the typical mellowness of a soft dome, nor the occasional hyped-up detail of a metal dome. It just sounded natural! I'd recommend you to go for an audition, because the Motion 60XT definitely delivers the magic that audiophiles always seek but too often fail to achieve.”

3. Concertul de saxofon solo pe care-l propunem pentru evenimentul se sambata este si el unul foarte special, fiindca protagomnistul acestuia este unul dintre cei mai talentati si respectati muzicieni romani contemporani, Catalin Milea. Scolit prin strainataturi si intors acasa pentru a bune bazele mai multor proiecte, printre care si singura publicatie de jazz de pe piata romaneasca, Jazz Compas. Dincolo de capacitatile sale de interpret, Catalin este profesor, aranjor si compozitor, o presonalitate la fel de complexa ca si evenimentul care-l are ca invitat special. Cel mai probabil, vom avea la dispozitie si cateva dintre CD-urile sale, pentru cei care doresc sa-si sporeasca colectia de jazz. Mai multe detalii pe http://

4. Auditia bonus, din sala mare, va avea in prim plan minunatele Martin Logan CLX, adevarate bijuterii, expresia tehnologiei electrostatice duse la rang de arta de catre inginerii de la Martin Logan. In spatele acestora, alte bijuterii americane - VTL pre + VTL power, astfel ca avem toate premisele pentru a suprinde destule oftaturi din audienta. Veniti si convingeti-va!

5. In fine, punctul culminant al evenimentului va fi tragerea la sorti de la finalul acestuia, in urma careia doi dintre participanti vor pleca acasa cu cate o invitatie la concertul de jazz ce va avea loc joi, 29 octombrie, la Sala Radio, concert sustinut de trompetistul norvegian Nils Petter Molvaer si trupa sa. Participantii vor trebui sa completeze un formular simplu si niste date personale, iar castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe loc. Tombola este organizata in parteneriat cu Jazz:ish, unul dintre cele mai noi si active organisme care se ocupa cu organizarea si promovarea de concerte, fie ele de jazz, electro sau de alta natura...

Detalii pe http://

Asadar, o noua serie de evenimente debuteaza sambata viitoare si suntem convinsi ca formula este, inca o data, una castigatoare. Din simplul motiv ca suma dintre ingrediente e una cat se poate de valoroasa. Va asteptam, incepan cu ora 11:00, in showroom-ul nostru. Intrarea este, bineinteles, libera!

Echipa lui Jack


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Iata un pasaj dintr-un concert Nils Petter Molvaer, de la Hamburg...

Ca sa stiti ce va asteapta pe 29 octombrie, la Sala Radio, in cazul in care castigati una dintre cele doua invitatii puse la bataie la tombola de sambata, cu ajutorul partenerilor nostri de la Jazz:ish...

Trebuie doar sa fiti prezenti la eveniment, sa completati formularul si sa aveti la voi si o mica doza de noroc... Succes!


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Iata un pasaj dintr-un concert Nils Petter Molvaer, de la Hamburg...

Ca sa stiti ce va asteapta pe 29 octombrie, la Sala Radio, in cazul in care castigati una dintre cele doua invitatii puse la bataie la tombola de sambata, cu ajutorul partenerilor nostri de la Jazz:ish...

Trebuie doar sa fiti prezenti la eveniment, sa completati formularul si sa aveti la voi si o mica doza de noroc... Succes!



THANKS very very much :)

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Avand in vedere ca "starurile" acestui eveniment sunt Martin Logan ( 60xt + CLX Art) este musai, sa aruncati o privire asupra acestui filmulet.

The History of MartinLogan




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Martin Logan Motion 60 XT review

“I just couldn't believe the amount of detail I heard in Blakey's drums. Indestructible is not really even a good recording, but the Motion 60XT pulled every little sonic detail out of it. I especially enjoyed being able to appreciate the subtleties of the then-young Shorter's developing tone. The stereo images of Morgan and Fuller popping riffs behind Shorter's solo were spectacular, but spectacular in a totally natural way. And then, again, the detail in Blakey's cymbals completely blew me away.”


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"I've been a fan of all things MartinLogan for nearly a decade. I've even owned the famed CLS and CLS II's which was nothing short of a loudspeaker love affair. I've never followed a speaker's development more than when I heard rumors of MartinLogan's return to full range electrostatic prominence, a journey that until this moment has taken years. Well, I'm happy to report the wait was worth every minute for the CLX's are everything I could've hoped for and more. They exceeded my aural expectations in ways I was prepared for having owned the older CLS'. These are not an update, no sir, the CLX are a whole new animal, one that if you're lucky enough to let them out of the cage, will astound you with their sonic beauty and grace but be able to maul you with their bass. Seriously, I can think of no other speaker I'd rather own right now than the CLX's if only they were a little better looking, MartinLogan would have a true, perfect 10, in my book"


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Chiar daca ati sta la intrare tu si gopo si ati rupe '' bilete de intrare '' la preturi obscene, cu asemenea ingrediente tot s-ar ingramadii lumea la spectacol :)

In orice caz evenimentul in sine depaseste cu mult suma dintre ingrediente ... bonusul si spectacolul live, ce pot sa mai zic ;)

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Daca era ceva de demonstrat , la orice nivel de pret si buzunar :)

MartinLogan Montis loudspeaker

By Robert Deutsch

'' Design

MartinLogan specifies the Montis as being 59.3" high, 12.7" wide, and 18" deep. This is correct in the sense that a shipping box for the speaker must accommodate these dimensions, but most of the 18" depth is accounted for by the woofer box; the depth of the electrostatic tweeter/mid driver, including the frame, is only about 11/4". Compared to MartinLogan's Prodigy (see Larry Greenhill's review), the Montis is shorter by more than 7.7" and narrower by 4.5". Larry described the Prodigy (which weighs 133 lbs compared to the Montis's 58 lbs) as "imposing," which is not a word I would use to describe the Montis—perhaps svelte or elegant. The Montis's size and proportions looked just right in my 16' by 14' by 7.5' listening room, the perforated steel stators of its electrostatic tweeter/mid producing a see-through effect.

By almost any standard, the Montis is beautiful. The review samples' bass cabinets were finished in hand-rubbed, glossy black cherrywood, which does look almost black in low light but is an attractive dark red in brighter light. The middle third of the top of the bass cabinet has a black metal trim, curved to match the design of the tweeter/mid electrostatic element, and features the MartinLogan logo, which lights up in blue when the speaker is playing. (It can be turned off.) On the rear panel is a single set of five-way binding posts—again, very stylish, and easy to tighten by hand if you're using spade lugs—and a knob for setting the woofer level. The speaker comes with four rubber feet installed; these can be replaced with spikes (provided). When feet or spikes are fully screwed in, the electrostatic panel is tilted slightly back; this can be adjusted by partially unscrewing the front or back feet.

MartinLogan's initial claim to fame was the development of the Curvilinear Line Source (CLS) electrostatic panel, designed to prevent treble beaming and the resulting highly restricted sweet spot produced by flat panels. Instead of flat electrode panels, the CLS driver has perforated metal panes that are bent to produce a gentle curve. The concept may seem simple, but to put it into practice requires a great deal of technical expertise and meticulous care in manufacturing. The distance between the diaphragm and each electrode, or stator, must be the same throughout the entire panel, to avoid hot spots in the response. Achieving this is partly a matter of manufacturing tolerances—the curve must be exactly the same for each stator—and is partly maintained by the spacers that keep diaphragm and stator apart. These, too, must be manufactured to a high tolerance. As far as I know, MartinLogan is the only manufacturer of electrostatic speakers to use curved panels. The Sound Lab electrostatics, which appear to be curved, actually have faceted panels with flat sections. .. / ... /

Next up was the Simaudio Moon Evolution W-7, a 150Wpc solid-state amp. The sound of the Montis driven by the Moon W-7 was vastly different from its sound with the PrimaLuna or the Audiopax. It now had dynamics in spades, evident as an ability to play much louder without strain, as well as more clearly present the ebb and flow of music at moderate levels. Bass was more extended and better controlled; the double-bass passages in Sylvia McNair's Sure Thing: The Jerome Kern Songbook (CD, Philips 442 129-2) were more distinct. But as good as the Moon-Montis pairing sounded, and with nothing specific that I could criticize, I kept wondering what the speakers would sound like with a really topnotch tube amp more powerful than either the PrimaLuna or the Audiopax.


Enter the 50th Anniversary Limited Edition of the McIntosh MC275, aka the MC275LE. This is the latest version of a tubed model that was first produced in 1961, earlier versions of which have been reviewed in Stereophile by Sam Tellig (November 1993, Vol.16 No.11, July 2004, Vol.27 No.7) and Fred Kaplan (October 2010, Vol.33 No 10). The MC275LE is rated at 75Wpc, but reviews of earlier versions have indicated that this rating is very conservative; the amp is easily capable of putting out 90W or more before clipping. I'll discuss the MC275LE's sound in detail in my review (forthcoming); for now, I'll say that the Montis sounded best when driven by the MC275LE, the sound having all the dynamic power of the Moon Evolution W-7, combined with that harmonic "rightness" of tube amps that even the best solid-state amplifiers have difficulty achieving. The bass was very nearly as tight and extended as with the Simaudio, and better than with the other tube amps. (Interestingly, although the Montis has its own bass amplifier, the bass sounded different with each of these three amps.)

I had a hard time deciding whether I preferred the McIntosh's 8 or 4 ohm speaker terminals, a comparison complicated by the fact that the 8 ohm level was higher, which had to be compensated for by reducing the preamp level control. Finally I decided in favor of the 8 ohm terminals, which sounded more dynamic. I discussed the choice of output terminals with MartinLogan's Peter Soderberg, who has set up ML speakers in a variety of systems using tube amplifiers; he told me that, among those systems' owners, the preference was almost evenly split between the 4 and 8 ohm terminals, the latter being preferred a bit more often. In other words: Use whichever sounds better to you.


The most impressive characteristic of the MartinLogan Montis was its relative freedom from "speaker sound." A loudspeaker is a mechanical/electrical device whose every component part has the potential to superimpose on the signal resonances of its own, thus providing listeners with cues that they're listening to a speaker, not a musical instrument or a human voice. In a speaker with dynamic drive-units, you have the components of all the drivers (voice-coil, pole-piece, dustcap, spider, diaphragm, surround, frame, etc.), each adding its own resonances to the signal. Then, almost invariably, the drivers are placed in a box, which adds its resonances. The designer can attempt to control these cabinet resonances by using low-resonance materials and damping the enclosure's interior, but it's a bit of a losing battle, and the result is often little more than the substitution of one set of resonances for another. Even the very best such speakers at times give audible indications that the sound is coming from a box.

The Montis did not. The electrostatic tweeter/midrange drive-unit—which, of course, has no box that can resonate—provided a transparent window on the sound, and whatever resonances were generated by the woofer enclosure were so well managed that I was never aware of them. And while I wouldn't go so far as to say that the electrostatic transducer had no sound of its own, the drum resonances of its stretched diaphragm were evidently distributed very effectively by the ClearSpar spacers, and were low enough in level that I was only occasionally aware of them.

As the late J. Gordon Holt pointed out many years ago, the most critical part of the audioband is the midrange. This is where the fundamentals of the human voice and most instruments lie; as long as a speaker reproduces the midrange accurately, our ears are relatively forgiving of faults at the frequency extremes. Midrange accuracy has long been recognized as a particular strength of electrostatics, and so it was with the Montis. Voices had a very natural quality; it was easy for me to imagine that Liz Callaway was in my listening room, pouring her heart out as she sang "Make Someone Happy," from her Passage of Time (CD, PS Classics PS-984). Nor did the Montis shortchange male voices. My usual test tracks featuring Pavarotti, Sinatra, and Terfel were reproduced in a way that captured the unique quality of each voice, with no undue emphasis or weakness of chest resonances. The resolution of recorded detail was in the top class, without sounding etched or clinical.

I've always been attracted by the notion of a single-driver, crossoverless speaker; unfortunately, speakers of this sort have their own set of problems, which may include weaknesses in the treble and the bass. Most speaker designers have decided that the compromises involved in single-driver speakers are too great, and that a carefully managed crossover can yield better results. In the case of the Montis, the crossover frequency is nominally 340Hz, which means that reproduction from the lower midrange to the treble is handled by a single driver: a good thing, in that it provides coherence in this important part of the audioband. However, it also means that the crossover is smack in the middle of the range of the human voice, and a host of instruments such as the cello. In my opinion, the greatest challenge—and a singular achievement of the Montis—is how this crossover is handled. Listening to Vincent Bélanger's cello (which I have not only heard live but, after a fashion, played myself) on his album Là (CD, Fidelio Musique FACD032), I tried to identify points where the Montis's reproduction of the instrument's sound shifted from the electrostatic driver to the woofer, but had a hard time doing so—the transition seemed virtually seamless.


Extensive information on electrostatic theory and details of MartinLogan's technologies are available at MartinLogan's website. The Montis electrostatic panel is the largest used in any of ML's current electrostatic hybrid speaker models. The MartinLogan CLX ART has electrostatic panels that are larger still, but the CLX is nominally a full-range electrostat, not a hybrid. (I say "nominally" because the CLX's low-end limit is specified as 56Hz, and in every demo I've heard, it's been combined with a pair of subwoofers.) The Montis's electrostatic panel is a true dipole, radiating to the front and to the rear with no attenuation of the backwave. The crossover to the woofer is at 340Hz. My first thought was that this was on the high side—when I used a subwoofer with the KLH Nines and the Quads, I used to set the crossover frequency in the 80–100Hz range. However, that comparison is misleading. The KLH Nine and the Quad had separate midrange drivers and tweeters, with built-in crossovers. The Montis's electrostatic panel functions as midrange and tweeter, so it doesn't need a tweeter/mid crossover. With a subwoofer, the KLH Nine and the Quad were in effect three-way systems with two crossovers; the Montis is a two-way system with a single crossover.

PowerForce Bass is MartinLogan's name for their powered subwoofer. On the face of it, the Montis's woofer design seems pretty straightforward: a 10", high-excursion, aluminum-cone driver in a sealed box, powered by a 200W amplifier. However, a great deal of the developmental engineering work at ML has dealt with perfecting the blend between the electrostatic panel and the dynamic woofer. With the Montis, their solution was to use an analog high-pass filter derived from the CLX, and digital signal processing (DSP) for the woofer. MartinLogan calls the latter the 24-Bit Vojtko DSP Engine, after Joe Vojtko, the company's chief audio technologist; it functions as a low-pass filter, equalizer, and limiter. The woofer-level control, centered at 100Hz, permits some matching of the bass performance to the room.


Planar speakers, including electrostatics, are considered difficult to set up, and that was certainly true of the KLH Nines and the original Quads. Maybe I was lucky, but the Montises sounded fine plunked down more or less where I usually place speakers in my room (along the 16' wall), and their performance got only better when I adjusted the usual parameters of listener-to-speakers distance (as close to equal as possible), speakers-to-front-wall distance (ditto), and toe-in and vertical angles. The resulting angle between speakers and listening seat was close to the classic 60°, with the top of the electrostatic panel of each Montis 36" from the front wall.

I adjusted the toe-in angle first using the flashlight method suggested by MartinLogan: point a flashlight at each speaker, and adjust toe-in so that the reflection of the light is in about the same place, left and right. I then tweaked the angle a bit by ear, trying to produce as wide a soundstage as possible without losing center fill. For the KLH Nines and the Quads, the tweaking of toe-in angle was very critical—even the slightest difference between the left- and right-speaker angles caused a major lateral shift in the soundstage, with an attendant L/R difference in tonal balance. The Montis's curved electrostatic driver made for a much less critical adjustment of this parameter.

Next was to replace the rubber feet with spikes and adjust the vertical angle, tilting the speaker a bit forward from the standard backtilt, and making sure that the angle was the same for both speakers. I used a plumb line. Once I was satisfied with the speaker positions, I played with the bass-level control while listening to recordings with appreciable midbass and low-bass content, such as Mickey Hart's Planet Drum (CD, Rykodisc RCD 10206).

In terms of bass extension, it was clear from just casual listening that the Montis didn't lack in this department; more critical listening made me realize that the Montis was even better than I'd first thought. / ... /

Final Words

If ever there was a model to break down the negative stereotypes of electrostatic loudspeakers, it must be the MartinLogan Montis. With a small footprint, and taking up only a modest amount of visual space in the room, the Montis can be driven effectively by solid-state or tubed amplifier (including such modestly priced ones as PrimaLuna's ProLogue Premium integrated), has very good bass extension (courtesy its hybrid design), can be played quite loudly, and doesn't require you to listen with your head locked in a virtual vise. In the right system and with the right recordings, a pair of Montises can aurally transport you to the concert hall, or the musicians to your room.

After I'd written all of this review save these final words, nearly two weeks passed without my listening to the system. Turning it on again following my musical fast, I was struck by how natural, how un–hi-fi it sounded. The MartinLogan Montis really is a lovely loudspeaker: all the technology and precision that have gone into its manufacture work in the service of music. I will be sorry to have to say goodbye to the review samples.



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La rugamintea participantilor, playlist-ul de la evenimentul de astazi...

1. Nils Petter Molvaer – Platonic Years (Khmer, ECM, 1997)

2. Terje Rypdal – The Return of Per Ulv (If Mountain Could Sing, ECM, 1995)

3. Agnes Buen Garnas/Jan Garbarek – Rosensfole (Rosensfole, ECM, 1989)

4. Jan Garbarek Group – Arietta (Twelve Moons, ECM, 1993)

5. Bugge Wesseltoft/Sidsel Endresen – You Might Say (New Conceptions of Jazz, Jazzland, 2008)

6. Karin Krog – The Meaning of Love (We Could be Flying, Polydor, 1975)

7. Arild Andersen Group – The Big Lie (Electra, ECM, 2005)

8. Nils Petter Molvaer – On Stream (Khmer, ECM, 1997)

9. Terje Rypdal – There’s a Hot Lady in my Bedroom and I Need a Drink (Singles Collection, ECM, 1988)

10. Jan Garbarek Group – Witchi-Tai-To (Twelve Moons, ECM, 1993)

11. Tord Gustavsen Quartet – Playing (The Well, ECM, 2012)

12. Bjorndtad/Darling/Rypdal/Christensen – Part II (The Sea, ECM, 1995)

Nu ratati, in aceasta seara, un live stream cu concertul aniversar - Arild Andersen la 70 de ani...

Ca tot l-ati ascultat azi...

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Pentru cei care au ratat acest eveniment, sa le facem puțin în ciuda! :lol:


................. Inca ma delectez cu playlistul si cu muzica de la catalinmilea, via AC Catalin, nici nu pot inca comenta ..... :shock: dar ies eu din starea aceasta si revin cu in deep comment ;) THANKS, THANKS, THANKS .... ;) !

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Un eveniment marcant.

Formatul / noua formula lansata de Dr. Jack si a lui Echipa s-a dovedit si in cazul acesta castigatoare, a facut rating maxim. Se imbulzea lumea ca la sarmale audiofile .

Salut cu bucurie si respect cele 5 frumuseti audiofile care au avut curajul sa se strecoare printre noi lacto-vegetarieni-carnivori audiofili. Thanks ! :) De asemenea noii melomani / tineri , care au inceput sa vina cat mai des si nu rateaza nici un eveniment. Bravo lor.

CatalinAC ne-a dovedit ca a audiat mii de ore de jazz scandinav. Marturie sta playlistul (muzical, sexos si amoral ;) ) si conferinta bine pusa la punct - care desi scurta a fost cuprinzatoare, placuta si foarte bine documentata inclusiv ''legenda'' ECM.

Cele zeci de mii de ore (sa mai spun, spun) de teste ale lui Dr. Jack au fost valorificate in sistemele audiate: perechea minune NAC-N 272 / NAP 250 DR, plus boxele americane Martin Logan Motion 60 XT detinatoare a unor twetere inovatoare au facut audienta sa lacrimeze si sa stea si peste ''program''- '' MartinLogan has addressed this market with their Motion line of speakers. Using an Air Motion Transformer (AMT) for the tweeter instead of a conventional dome, the Motion series looks like what most people think of when they think of a speaker.

The largest model in the Motion series, and the newest, is the four driver, $3,000/pair 60XT tower. It pairs the MartinLogan’s largest AMT driver, the Folded Motion XT Driver, with a 6.5” midrange driver and dual 8” woofers. This lets the 60XT play full-range in a room, with frequency response hitting down to 20Hz. With a couple of considerations, the MartinLogan Motion 60XT is a dynamic loudspeaker that pairs clear treble with room filling bass./.../ I just have clear, clean treble. Pet Sounds from The Beach Boys is loaded up with chimes, bells, and other instruments with lots of treble. The MoFi SACD sounds just wonderful, as the chimes that open “Sloop John B” are crystal clear without the harshness/.../ Very good bass; fast and dynamic tweeter with great clarity, great finish and build quality /.../ The AMT excels with its speed and clarity. The dual 8” woofers provide plenty of bass in my 12’ x 25’ listening room /.../ MartinLogan has a speaker that is wonderful for home theater and for stereo music in the Motion 60XT. If your system has any room correction, the 60XT is almost flat from 20Hz to 20kHz and can fill almost any space. The Motion 60XT is a different approach for MartinLogan, but one that is very successful. ( Echipa minune NAC-N 272 / NAP 250 DR au dovedit inca o data ca este Swiss Army Knife ai audiofiliei. Veniti, audiati-o convingeti-va. Si nu ati ascultat NAC-N 272 / XPS DR intrebati pe cei care au facut testul, de abia scos din cutie XPS DR a propulsat NAC-N 272 direct in stratosfera acolo unde rar poti asculta la peste > 12K Euro ceva asemanator: pentru baieti cu charturi, este in Top Refferenz Klass :)

Martin Logan CLX, adevarate bijuterii, expresia tehnologiei electrostatice duse la rang de arta de catre inginerii de la Martin Logan. In spatele acestora, alte bijuterii americane - VTL pre + VTL power, au lovit rau de tot audienta. Uni au plecat :idea: , nu mai stiau cum ii chiama, altii :o:shock: , iar altii pur si simplu ''zdrobiti'' :)

Concertul live (saxofon alto, clrinet bass - solo) cu unul dintre cei mai valorosi tineri muzicieni de jazz din Romania, Catalin Milea, ne -a dovedit ca desi nimeni nu este profet in tara sa, a ajuns dupa parerea mea la nivelul unui Jon Surman, Louis Sclavis ... Cele doua albume aduse , prrea putin pentru cerere, referitoare la muzica si calitatea inreistrarii spun ca desi improvizatii sunt fenomenale compozitie - interpretare, ca un abslut concept album.... mult gandit inainte de a intra la inregistrari. Calitatea inregistrarii este foarte buna, nu satisfacatoare dpdv audiofil ci chiar foarte bun, pentru obsedatii audiofili , recomand - pot sa le cumpere chiar numai pentru a testa sisteme ... :D Nu este nici o problema ca desi s-a straduit CatalinAC nu i-a adus pe scandinavi, l-am avut pe, a fost e x t r a o r d i n a r . Thanks CatalinAC.

Multumesc mult si mai vrem evenimente de aceeasi natura. Felicitari Dr. Jack, CatalinAC, Echipa lui Jack, amfitrioanei MADI si nu in ultimul rand parteneriatului cu Jazz:ish, unul dintre cele mai noi si active organisme care se ocupa cu organizarea si promovarea de concerte, fie ele de jazz, electro sau de alta natura...

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R.I.P. Iosip Sincere regrete si condoleante familiei Am pierdut un coleg si un prieten bun. O sa ne lipseasca experienta , verva, sfaturiel, energia de care dadea dovada si care o impartea cu generozitate cu toata lumea. Acum cand nu mai este ne dam seama ce mult ii simtim lipsea. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca !

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''La rugamintea participantilor, playlist-ul de la evenimentul de astazi...

1. Nils Petter Molvaer – Platonic Years (Khmer, ECM, 1997)....

Multumim ! Stiu, toata lumea ''tragea'' de tine sa nu uiti sa-l pui pe forum . :) ... Si gopo2004 , are ceva de transmis ... ;)

Multumim mult pentru ''reinventare'' ca este un termen foarte la moda in mass-media :)

Prima compozitie, improvizatie a lui as denumi-o ''Deep water, clear water''. Pentru ca tot a intrebat la tribune... ;)

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Martin logan CLX sunt …din alt film ! :shock:

Nu am intalnit pana acum un sunet atat de apropiat de sunetul live.

Catalin Milea a cantat la saxofon inainte de auditia sistemului. La prima piesa reprodusa de CLX, daca inchideai ochii, jurai ca in fata ta este Catalin. Saxofonul lui, bateria, cinelele, erau acolo toate cu o claritate si un timbru greu de prezentat in cuvinte.

Un sunet mare, o scena incredibila.

M-a uimit foarte tare faptul ca nu trebuia sa fii situat intr-un anume sweet point.

Era un perete de sunet, sau mai bine spus o scena in care cantau muzicienii care performau.

Naturaletea sunetului, gingasia si forta, dupa caz, produs de CLX este greu de reprodus de difuzoarele conventionale.

As spune chiar imposibil. Eu cel putin nu am ascultat asa ceva pana acum, si pot spune ca am audiat destule sisteme …

Din pacate dupa ce le asculti trebuie ca o perioada de timp sa nu mai dai drumul la nici un sistem.

Trebuie sa uiti acel sunet daca vrei sa te bucuri de sunetul sistemului propriu.

Altfel, este jale mare ! :?


Adevarat eu inca nu l-am uitat desi pot spune ca am un sistem fantastic de muzical ... :)

Ce pot sa spun Dr. Jack ...

"May the Force be with you"

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Multumim inca o data tuturor celor care au fost prezenti la evenimentul de sambata (si nu au fost deloc putini), interesul manifestat de voi ne onoreaza, voi sinteti cei care dovediti ca evenimentele marca Audioconcept sunt ceea ce trebuie intr-o piata aproape lipsita de manifestari dedicate pasionatilor de sunet...

Multumiri speciale partenerilor de la Jazz:ish, cei care ne-au oferit premiile (doua invitatii duble la concertul Nils Petter Molvaer de miine seara, de la Sala Radio), si muzicianului Catalin Milea, invitatul nostru special, pentru excelentele momente de jazz live pe care ni le-a oferit...

In asteptarea urmatoarelor evenimente, iata citeva fotografii de la frumoasa intimplare de simbata trecuta...






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Eu m-am bucurat tare sa vad in showroom o prezenta feminina atat de mare, lucru rar intilnit in lumea asta (audiofila) !

Poate spargem gheata si la urmatorul eveniment o sa fie prezenta 50% / 50% :twisted:


Mai, te referi la ''prezenta feminina atat de mare'', ca numar si nu la altceva ... ;)

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